Innovation Development & Intellectual Property Certification
National Academy of Inventors

Training by the National Academy of Inventors and Michelson Institute for Intellectual Property. Certification Exam by the National Academy of Inventors. Certification issued March 2, 2021.

Advanced Management for Executives
Massachusetts Institute of Technology OCW by Sloan School of Management

17 courses, 300+ lectures, corresponding to the Advanced Management Program for Executives, and the MIT's Executive MBA Program, audited over 3-year period.

Ph.D. Bio-Atmospheric Sciences
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Gas and energy exchange in natural and agricultural ecosystems. Measurements, processing, and analysis of energy and carbon fluxes. Design of near-real-time quality control and inventory systems, and post-processing quality control system: 14 journal papers, 1 monograph, 1 book chapter, and 15 other publications.